Pukaar Community

Hassan Abid

He is a professional Clinical Psychologist residing in Lahore. He started his spiritual journey at the age of 21 by spending weeks and months in different ashrams inside and outside Pakistan. He managed to enjoy the company of various enlightened people, which eventually changed his life. Graduated in Business degree and MBA, he pursued clinical psychology as a professional degree by graduating again in Applied Psychology followed by MSc. and MS in Clinical Psychology lately. He had been professionally working in the field of mental health from the past 3 good years. He had experience of working with adult clients at Pakistan Institute of living and learning and General Hospital. His specialty is hypnotherapy and he had been using hypnosis on various clients to heal them mentally. He believes that the understanding that he has about life and its practicality is what helps him to understand his clients deeply. He uses his experience and practical knowledge of different therapies to help them succeed in being cured as early as possible.
MAGNUM 30 under 30, Winner
AOP Student Awards, Finalist
The Other Hundred, 1st Prize
Leica Oskar Barnack Award
American Photography 30