Say Something

Every influencer using social media as a platform to reach out to the masses has a goal to spread positivity via quotes that one can simply find by typing in “inspirational/motivational quotes” on either google images or pinterest. “Believe in yourself” is something we’re told every time people see us doubting our capabilities. But does […]
Self-esteem; a false illusion?

Self-worth, self-esteem, self-confidence and self-belief; these are the words all of us hear on a daily basis. But what do they actually mean? How can they change your life? Or can they REALLY bring a positive change in your life at all? For a minute, just close your eyes and reflect how you see yourself. […]
A guide to boost your self-esteem

“Every person is the creation of himself, the image of his own thinking and believing.” – Claude M. Bristol As it is said, your thoughts shape your actions and hence direct your whole life! But the problem arises when you continuously think negatively about yourself; you develop a low self-esteem, perform poorly at numerous tasks, […]