A Huge Blessing In Disguise

So its December now and all the Facebook newsfeed is filled with the posts of stress. December is supposed to be a ‘Stress Free Month’ but is it? Assignments, Exams, Marriages, Deadlines and what not? This month is perhaps the most stressful one as everyone encounters immense anxiety due to the numerous tasks that they […]
My Obscure Future!

Remember the time when Hollywood made us believe that the world was going to end in 2012? The fourteen years old me was petrified by the thought of dying so early. As the year ended and everybody welcomed 2013, I promised myself that I’m never going to worry about the future. I think I did […]
Media Overload

As the sun sets and darkness takes over the sky in winters, cozied up in a blanket, we often find ourselves alone with our thoughts and imagination. Sometimes we make ourselves a nice cup of tea to enjoy your time after a long, hectic day. Wondering what is going in the world, we either decide […]
It’s Not Stress That Kills Us, Overthinking about the Future Does!

When you think about what’s happening in the world, does it cause tension? Does the future look uncertain? Does your life seem tired ? Does it feel scary to do normal things like go to the mall or walk along a busy street? Is it difficult for you to take decisions for little things? Do […]
Everything Will be Fine, Ms. X

Apparently, December’s supposed to be the international “stress free” month. So keeping that is mind, I’m about to paint you a picture of how an anonymous person’s december is going to look like and as a reader, I would like you to highlight all the events that seem stressful to you. Let’s get started, shall […]
To All the Girls Out There, You are Not Alone!

Is it December yet? Or should I call it a wedding season? I think the name ‘December’ should be substituted with ‘Wedding Season’. Who isn’t familiar with all that wedding hype in December? And how can you forget the PRE WEDDING STRESS! First, during your bachelorhood, all those desi aunties are after you and are […]
I wish…I wish…I wish I Have a Big Dig Where I can Hide my Tension and Stress!

It all started when I was a ten year old little girl, the time when I hardly understood what is life? What does it mean to live? My days used to start early and were completely normal, full of joy, just like any other happy go lucky kid until I began worrying about little things; […]
Too Young to Have Gray Hair? Here is What to Do!

What is stress? Is it the feeling that you get when you have an exam and you start studying a day before, dividing your time equally between chapters but somehow you end up wasting an hour or two watching videos of cute animals doing silly things, when you realize you don’t have enough time left […]
Falling in love with myself

Being a girl raised up in a Pakistani society, we are continuously told to learn hundreds of household chores like cooking, washing and cleaning, just because we are expected to grow up into hard working housewives who have nothing to do in their lives but SERVE their husbands 24/7. Even as a small girl, if […]
Covid-19: Another Challenge in Academia

We can all agree that the spread of corona and the subsequent period of quarantine was a time of great stress and uncertainty for all. It felt like our whole lives had turned upside down in the matter of days. There was a constant fear of this seemingly uncontrollable disease and nobody appeared to have […]