Powerful Corporate Mental Health Training

Selfcare Threads E4

Selfcare Threads E4 View this post on Instagram A post shared by Pukaar-Reaching out to All (@pukaarcommunity)
Routine Talks E1

Routine Talks E1
Always Be Kinder Than You Feel; Say No to Bullying!

Bullying can be described as an unwanted, aggressive behavior among school children or employees that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. Both the victims of bullying and those who bully others experience long lasting negative consequences. Hence, it is absolutely necessary to take adequate measures to prevent bullying. How to deal with Bullying among […]
Help, Don’t Hurt!

Scarlet red blood sprouted from my mouth. I couldn’t move at all, it seemed as if my whole body was paralyzed. I had been brutally beaten up. I tried to gather my strength and get up but the effort went in vain. My head was throbbing with pain and I was feeling dizzy to such […]
Hear Me Out!

We all have that one friend that makes us question ourselves, why are we even friends with this person? Their energy uplifts our mood, their presence brightens the room and their sarcasm tickles our funny bone, their beauty sooths our… I’m pretty sure by now y’all can see that person’s face in your head, but […]
Trapped Within my Thoughts!

How do you know if you have OCD? Well, for starters you’ll know it’s not a joke! I began worrying about things being dirty. Pens and markers especially — if a classmate borrowed them, I’d bring them home to wash, or soak them in hand sanitizer. Eventually, it became easier to simply throw them away. At my […]
Choose Life

You are waiting for the traffic light to go green, you’re waiting in your lane and a young skinny man walks towards your car. His clothes are torn, his hair a tangled mess along with a scruffy beard, he’s covered in dirt and can barely talk. He asks you to help him because he hasn’t […]
A Road Trip To Remember

Summers of 2008 were the best and the worst time of my life. We came home from school, screaming and jumping in the living room, summer vacations had just begun. My mother told us that we had to leave for grandmother’s home at 8 in the morning, as she lived in small little village a […]
Time To Take Action

Do you feel that’s it impossible for you to ever see happiness again? Do you seem surrounded by complete darkness? Does your brain always tell you that there is nothing left in your life? Do you feel that your mood will never improve again? Does your mind and body feel numb? Trust me, you are […]