Pukaar Community
registration form


Welcome to Pukaar. This is your first step to becoming a part of the Pukaar family. Please enter all of the following details. If you don’t have a resume head on over to canva.com to create one. The fields marked with an * are mandatory.

    Enter your Personal Information *

    Upload Your Scanned CNIC Here

    Specialization * e.g. Clinical, applied etc.

    Other specialization here *

    Enter your Academic Details
    Bachelors Degree * (Degree Title, Institute Name, Completion Date, Scanned Degree file)

    Masters Degree * (Degree Title, Institute Name, Completion Date, Scanned Degree file)

    Enter your past experience * (Organization/Institution, Position, Duration, Starting date)

    Joining Date *

    Submit your profile * (You can edit the given profile sample)

    Specialities *

    Services *


    Upload Your Resume Here *

    Upload your Profile Picture here *