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Pukaar Community Blog (26)

Overthinking; a highly common yet a very annoying word! Surely, being continuously entrapped by never-ending negative thoughts is as tortuous and bad as hell! These thoughts not only disturb you psychologically but they are physically exhaustive as well! No doubt, all of us possess a strong desire to escape from this vile imprisonment and want to put an end to the vicious cycle of overthinking, but the question is WHY does it even happen to us? 

Why do you overthink? 

I am sure that you have pondered over this question numerous times. Why does Overthinking occur in the first place? Interestingly, humans are curious hunters who are always seeking answers. No wonder, you think about the consequences of an event even before it has occurred. This is the way your mind prepares you for the future. But the sad part is that it often leads to unnecessary Overthinking. 

So you have to take charge of your own life! Train yourself to accept the fact that it’s okay to not know what will happen next. It’s okay if you are uncertain about your future and its okay to just focus on the present moment. But how can you actually train your mind? 

How can you train your mind to stop Overthinking? 

Well, this difficult question has a very simple answer; distract yourself with another thought! It’s easier than it seems. Here are a few techniques that would definitely turn out to be a piece of cake for you:

  • It’s time to become a magician. As proven through numerous researches, the brain can be easily tricked into believing what you want it to believe! So no need to worry, it’s time to play magic tricks with your brain now! The career of a conjurer awaits you! Hence, the moment you have the thought that ‘I am a worthless person,’ don’t let that thought settle in your mind. 

Be creative. Meddle with your magical powers and immediately tell yourself the opposite thing like ‘A lot of people love me.’ Seems surreal? Well, the good news is that you may not even believe this statement deep inside but continuous repetition of this phrase can train your mind to actually believe it! So even if you say it half heartedly, it will still do wonders!

  • Rubber band Technique. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it every time you experience an unwanted thought. Ouch, that hurts! Well, that’s the whole purpose of this technique. Your mind’s attention would now be diverted to the pain and the negative thought would automatically go away! 
  • Crying is healing. Remember to cry so that your bottled up emotions can be released and you are no longer a captive of these intrusive thoughts. 

Imprint this in your mind; you will reap what you sow. So rather than paying attention to minor details and keeping your mind busy in thinking over them; learn to let things slide by. And if you are unable to do so, don’t hesitate to reach out to Pukaar that would provide you with step by step guidance

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