I Think It’s Time!

As I have grown older, it has become more apparent to me that talking about mental illness is still a taboo and a controversial topic especially in the Asian culture. Over these years, I think it’s time to break this stigma of mental health crises and talk about it freely in order to deal with […]
Say Yes To Therapy

When you’re sick, you go to a doctor, right? But when it comes to mental health, why do people not go to a therapist? The answer is stigma attached to the concept. We see so many people, especially in the Asian community talking about how when they told their parents about how they felt, the […]
Mental Health Is Low Key, Is It?

I shouted in agony to the top of my lungs. I couldn’t handle it anymore. My meaningless and purposeless life was coming to an end. I had struggled enough. I had tried every single day to put my depression aside and go out with a smile. Luckily, it had been a so called ‘success’ as […]
Time To Take Action

Do you feel that’s it impossible for you to ever see happiness again? Do you seem surrounded by complete darkness? Does your brain always tell you that there is nothing left in your life? Do you feel that your mood will never improve again? Does your mind and body feel numb? Trust me, you are […]
Too Much To Think About

“The more time I spend with my thoughts, the more I realize how pointless everything is. There’s always going to be someone more educated than me, so why go to college? There is always going to be someone more successful than me professionally, so why hustle? Thousands of brands in the world, why spend money […]
No Control

The emotional turmoil that we find ourselves in during a semester is something we can all relate to, however the month long semester break is what keeps us going. I chose to spend mine doing what every adult dreams off and only a few are fortunate enough to achieve; twelve hours of sleep, curled up […]
Trending isn’t always the best!

Thanks to our super-dooper geniuses searching all sorts of disorders on Google, the term panic attack is currently being heavily misused. Are you afraid of the dark? Is your heart beating rapidly? Alas, Dr. Google has diagnosed you with a panic attack and now you need proper therapy sessions! What’s more, Dr. Google understood your […]
Corona Virus havoc: Time to tackle the anxiety!

With the Corona Virus on its rise and the Government imposed lock-downs on a stand still, it is not surprising that all the couch potatoes are turning on their television screens and watching the status quo of the Corona virus. But what are we hearing all the time? The inflating number of people who are […]
Resilience: A Solution To All The Troubles?

Without a doubt, you are surrounded by challenging and demanding times. The world out there is as crazy as hell; testing you to your very limit! Who knows what awaits you? The heart-wrenching news of family, work or any other domain may be impatiently waiting for you. While seated on this on-going roller coaster of […]
I support mental health, do you?

Are you all alright? Do you feel sad in your daily life? Do you feel living life is complicated in this world? Do you feel anxious about most of your things or work? Are you categorized on those who overthink about little things in life? Are you hyperactive? You don’t have to worry if you […]