Pukaar Community

Media Overload

As the sun sets and darkness takes over the sky in winters, cozied up in a blanket, we often find ourselves alone with our thoughts and imagination. Sometimes we make ourselves a nice cup of tea to enjoy your time after a long, hectic day. Wondering what is going in the world, we either decide […]

My Obscure Future!

Remember the time when Hollywood made us believe that the world was going to end in 2012? The fourteen years old me was petrified by the thought of dying so early. As the year ended and everybody welcomed 2013, I promised myself that I’m never going to worry about the future. I think I did […]

Mental Health Is Low Key, Is It?

I shouted in agony to the top of my lungs. I couldn’t handle it anymore. My meaningless and purposeless life was coming to an end. I had struggled enough. I had tried every single day to put my depression aside and go out with a smile. Luckily, it had been a so called ‘success’ as […]

Say Yes To Therapy

When you’re sick, you go to a doctor, right? But when it comes to mental health, why do people not go to a therapist? The answer is stigma attached to the concept. We see so many people, especially in the Asian community talking about how when they told their parents about how they felt, the […]

I Think It’s Time!

As I have grown older, it has become more apparent to me that talking about mental illness is still a taboo and a controversial topic especially in the Asian culture. Over these years, I think it’s time to break this stigma of mental health crises and talk about it freely in order to deal with […]

A Huge Blessing In Disguise

So its December now and all the Facebook newsfeed is filled with the posts of stress. December is supposed to be a ‘Stress Free Month’ but is it? Assignments, Exams, Marriages, Deadlines and what not? This month is perhaps the most stressful one as everyone encounters immense anxiety due to the numerous tasks that they […]